Planet coaster rotate
Planet coaster rotate

Gravity still pulls us down to the Earth, so we don’t feel like we’re the wrong way up. But for us, the ground is still below us, and the sky is still above us. If someone was watching us from space, after half a day the Earth will have turned and we’d be upside down. This is why we call the ground “below us” and the sky “above us”. This pulls us towards the middle of the Earth, and keeps our feet firmly on the ground.Ĭurious Kids: how does gravity pull things down to Earth? But the reason you won’t fall off the Earth is because of the force of gravity. You might worry that if you didn’t keep peddling your feet you’d fall off. The Earth is a bit like a giant rolling ball. Polaris and the constellations of Ursa Minor and Ursa Major. This is easier to find if you first look for the Plough, or Big Dipper, which is easy to spot and is part of the constellation called Ursa Major or the Big Bear. It is in the constellation called Ursa Minor, or the Little Bear. In the North, this happens to be very close to a star called Polaris, or the North Star. That’s because the Earth’s axis points at a point in the sky around which everything appears to move, including the stars. This movement of the Earth also means that on a clear night you will see the stars rise in the east and set in the west, like the rising and setting of the Sun in the day.īut if you stand on the North Pole or on the South Pole and look up, you’d see the stars move around in a circle above you.

planet coaster rotate

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#Planet coaster rotate series

Curious Kids is a series by The Conversation that gives children the chance to have their questions about the world answered by experts.

Planet coaster rotate